UIUC的EE系出过无数牛人,半导体物理,电机,电磁,系统(通讯/控制/DSP/imageprocessing等)都很强,还有不少其它学校没有的方向,对 ee的贡献很大。transistor的发明者之一Bardeen曾在这里获得了他的第二个Nobel prize,由他留下的semi conductor program目前仍是全美最好的program之一。shannon好像也是UIUC毕业的。
rank: top 30
EE rank: top 5
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Graduate College
801 S. Wright St.
204 Coble Hall
Champaign, IL 61820-6210
The ECE graduate program is consistently ranked in the top three nationwide. As you might expect, admission is very competitive. Students applying to the program must have a bachelor's degree in electrical or computer engineering (or related field). In the fall 2004 semester, the average GPA of applicants admitted and receiving financial aid was 3.86 (on a scale of 4.0 = A). Their average GRE percentile ranks were Quantitative (89.3%), Analytical (75.8%), and Verbal (74.5%).
The TOEFL score must be at least 590; however, if it is below 620, an English as Second Language Placement exam must be taken on the campus and the courses required by its results must be taken.
Rank in class should also be submitted for international applicants.